Greater Tips to Make Money with Google AdSense is a Must Try

Greater Tips to Make Money with Google AdSense - Google AdSense is a contextual advertising program that lets you run ads on your website or blog, or YouTube videos, and get paid when a visitor clicks on it. Ads are generated from businesses that use the Google AdWords program.

There are so many bloggers who have successfully made money through blogs that become publishers from Google Adsense. But it all cannot be separated from hard work, focus, diligent, and of course always obedient to the rules of the Google.

And, if you do not obey and ignore the rules of the Adsense, do not hesitate the Adsense will decide Love without being given a second chance.

Greater Tips to Make Money with Google AdSense

Google AdSense program has several great advantages including:
  • It's free to join.
  • The eligibility requirements are easy, meaning you can monetize your site or blog even if it's new.
  • There are a variety of adoptions and some things you can customize to match the look and feel of your site.
  • Google pays monthly (if you meet the $ 100 threshold) with direct deposit.
  • You can run ads on multiple websites from one AdSense account.
  • There is an option to run ads on mobile devices and RSS feeds.
  • You can easily add them to your YouTube and Blogger accounts.
  • With that said, there are some shortcomings of AdSense as well:
  • Google may terminate your account in an instant, and it's not very forgiving if you break the rules.
  • Like all forms of online income, you need targeted traffic to make money.
  • When people click on AdSense ads, you earn some money, but your visitors also leave your site.
  • It does not have to pay more than other similar programs.
AdSense is a great monetization option, but it's not a rich quick or money-making option. Furthermore, Google has many rules that are not always noticed in advance.

As a result, many website owners find a difficult way that they violate Google's policies, and have lost their accounts forever.

AdSense Ad Types
  • Google offers different types of ads to run on your site:
  • Text ads use words, either as an Ad Unit (one bid) or Link Unit (bid list), and are available in various sizes.
  • You can customize the colour of boxes, text and links.
  • Image ads are graphical ads. They come in different sizes. You can choose an option that mixes text and image ads.
  • Flash
  • Video
  • Rich media ads include HTML, Flash, or other interactive features.
  • Audio
  • AdSense for Search lets you have a Google search box on your site. When a user enters a term and performs a search, the search results page opens with AdSense ads.

You can customize the colour scheme of the search results page to align with your website.

Google AdSense Payments

Google pays monthly via direct deposit or check, but will not issue AdSense payments until your earnings reach or exceed $ 100. If you do not get it within a month, your earnings roll over and add to the next month.

Each time you reach the $ 100 threshold, Google will issue a payment for the next payment period. Through your AdSense account, you can see your current earnings, which ads generate the most clicks and more.

Make Money With AdSense

Making some money with AdSense requires a plan. Here's a tip to maximize AdSense revenue:

Read and obey Google's rules. Webmasters must comply with Google webmaster policies and AdSense program policies.

Do not click on your own ads or ask others to click on them. Generating clicks, purchasing Pay Per Click (PPC) space, or using a program designed to drive traffic to AdSense pages is against the rules.

Have great content that your target market wants to read.

Use honest and organic traffic promotion techniques, especially search engine optimization and article marketing.

Test ad types and placements to find the most revenue-generating options.

Read an email from Google, especially if it sends a warning about something you do not like on your site. Failure to handle Google complaints will result in termination of the program.

Dealing with Competitive or Questioned Ads

If you offer a product or service on your site, you may find that some of the Google-provided ads come from your competitors.

Another problem that can happen is ads that may not be completely legitimate or may offend your market. In order for this offer not to appear on your site, Google AdSense lets you specify up to 200 URLs you want to cancel from appearing on your site.

The challenge is Doubled

You do not know what ads are running on your site until you see them there. Plus, with each page load, and depending on the visitor's browsing history, ads may no longer appear or may appear in different places.

Since you can not click your own links (to get URLs), you should be careful to get the URLs to be blocked. The best way is to right-click the link, select "Copy Link Address", and paste it into the document or text editor (ie Notepad).

The Google URL is very long, but you're looking for the section that identifies the advertiser. Copy that link, and paste it into your AdSense blocked ad account.

Other Programs Other than AdSense

There are many ad network programs similar to AdSense, such as and InfoLinks. Some may require traffic thresholds, so you should wait until your site is established.

Most have the same rules as Google, such as restrictions on the number of network ads per page (usually 3) and termination to click on your own ads.

In most cases, you can run various ad networks on your site without violating the terms of service, but you want to read the rules of each network before doing so. Furthermore, you want your site to become so overwhelmed with ads that your readers can not find.
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