Guide To Helping New Brands Start Social Media

Guide To Helping New Brands Start Social Media - Have you ever wondered how best to present your new brand on social media so you can get more attention?

Have you ever wondered how to use social media to directly affect the sale of your goods and services?

Do you want people related to your brand's social media page to have a good experience without prior knowledge or interaction with your brand?

If the answer to each question is yes, you may want to read this paper to the end as a very practical step to get your brand from zero to a recognizable and profitable online brand will be shared here.

Why do your brands have social media?

Guide To Helping New Brands Start Social Media

This is why you want to include your new brand in social media as soon as possible:

1). Social Media Gets Attention

If you do not know, there are about 2 billion active social media users in now. The presence of good social media will awaken your brand awareness.

2). Brand Validation

Brands that have good reviews on social media tend to be trusted compared to brands without an online presence. A good overview of social media encourages people to connect with the brand for the first time to trust the brand.

3). Cost Effective Marketing

Social media is a very cheap platform with very low entry fees. Free to create accounts on most social media platforms and paid ads on social media is usually self-serving and based on your brand budget.

4). Social Media Helps In Competing With Big Brands

As new brands enter the dominated space of established brands, it can be very intimidating to compete for market share.

Social media is used as a great tool for growing your brand because new brands often have the luxury to move quickly and use social media to do some things that might be difficult for big brands.

5). Easy Interaction With Customers

This is a big advantage that the new brand has a bigger bureaucratic brand. Social media provides a strong point of communication between your new brand and a growing customer base.

Customers who can easily find and communicate with your brand are great steps to achieve brand loyalty and word of mouth recommendations.

Things to know when creating social media pages for your brand

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a page for your brand on social media. Here are some of them:


Facebook is more of a publishing platform right now. Facebook is where you post content unique to your brand that wants to interact with your customers.

Facebook is also one of the best platforms to get new customers because this is the easiest platform to target people efficiently.

As it is today, making video content especially live video is the fastest way to pay attention to Facebook.

There is a comprehensive guide on how to set up your Facebook page properly that you should check.


Twitter is a one-on-one communication platform. Twitter is less than a publishing house and more places to discuss and share knowledge in real time.

Twitter is a place for brands to ask customers what they need and answer it in real time.

It's also a great medium to take polls and keep track of how people are talking about the brand.


Instagram is a great place to display your brand's visual identity. Brands often use this platform to show their fun, creative, or human side.

Brands that sell products typically use these platforms to show the beauty and functionality of their products. In essence, Instagram is the place to show the fun part of your brand to the fullest.


LinkedIn is a place to tell people what your brand can do for them and why your brand is the best. LinkedIn is a great publishing platform to pinpoint key issues your brand can solve.

Costly paid ads on this platform are compared to Facebook, but provide the best way to reach other brands your company might want. This platform is great for the B2B brand.


This platform is great for brands that plan to drive a lot of video content. YouTube is great for brands that offer technical services.

This allows them to smoothly explain and show what they are doing so that customers can see it.

YouTube is a great platform for developing a personal brand and getting people to see you experience the growth process they can feel.


Snapchat is relatively new so many brands have not been held. One thing for sure is the platform continues to grow and the brand is still experimenting with this platform.

Brands that offer exclusive content can definitely use this platform for people to pay attention to it.

Should your brand be on every major platform?

The answer to this question depends on what your brand does and how it wants to be represented on social media.

If your brand just wants to produce content for people to consume then Facebook and LinkedIn pages are appropriate. Businesses that sell deserved photos should be attracted to Instagram first.
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