10 Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes Should Be Known

Social media marketing does not work, or find common mistakes that are often ignored so that it does not work for you because you did not do it right, and forget about Social Media marketing strategies that are proven to increase user engagement.

Most companies do not incorporate social media successfully into their marketing efforts. They follow the trends of others and are quickly discouraged by the lack of positive results.

Here are some common mistakes that will leave you unaware of your full social media potential:

1). Ignoring Social Marketing as Ineffective

If you believe social media is not right for your demographic or industry, you're wrong. A common misconception that social media is only for teenagers and technologists.

It's no longer happening. For example, one study shows that the fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55-64 age group and that the fastest growing demographic on Facebook is a 45-54 year old.

You'll also find other well-represented demographics. Social media has penetrated all layers of our society. If you manage to collect an effective social media strategy before the competition, you will have an edge.

2). Do not Have a Social Media Marketing Plan

Social Media Marketing can be a waste of time without a proper action plan. Many companies fall into this trap. They sporadically post things to their social media accounts, share some of their content here and there and try to attract followers or fans.

It's not social media marketing; it has no plans

Social media marketing should be approached in the same way as you approach your planning for each marketing campaign.

You must have goals, budgets, and action plans that outline what you want to achieve, how you will achieve your goals, how you will measure outcomes, and what resources you should allocate.

3). Measuring the wrong KPI

When measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) for your social media marketing, many marketers fall into the trap of metric pride. They measure the number of fans on Facebook or followers on Twitter, and if these numbers grow, they feel happy.

Social media marketing is no different from other marketing channels. You should measure the impact of your social media efforts on your business, not the number of fans or your followers.

4). Treating All Same Social Media Platforms

Facing an audience in a way that is inconsistent with the tradition of social networking is ineffective and counterproductive. You probably will not speak Spanish in German, but many businesses make the mistake of speaking the wrong language on social media.

Every social network has its own customs, languages, audiences and content types. In order for your efforts to be effective, you need to consider the differences between social networks. It's important to learn how people communicate across all the social networks you follow.

5). Failed to Engage the Conversation

Your social media update is useless if nobody cares about stocks or responds. Your posts and content should be designed to generate conversations with your audience.

If you do not get this reaction, your overall strategy and content should be reviewed again. When someone responds or comments, be sure to reply.

Every customer posts a comment, positive or negative, brings the opportunity to communicate with the customer directly.

Be friendly and polite; After all, this is the social media. And do not limit your social interaction only through the marketing department.

Engage other departments that interact with customers, such as sales, customer service, billing, and production, in your social media strategy to communicate with your customers.

6). Connecting as Opposed to Networking

Having thousands of random followers who do not represent your ideal customers and not contributing much will just not produce the desired results.

You want to attract and engage prospects, colleagues or professionals who share the same views and interests and who will be instrumental in the success of your marketing efforts.

By building and expanding your network you will gain better access to leads and other professionals and will increase your exposure to your messages and content.

And make your interactions meaningful! Networking is about adding value to a relationship.

You should spend some time reaching out and writing personalized messages, engaging in discussions, sharing and commenting on other people's content that not only pushes you into people's throats.

Treat this relationship in the same way as your insider. By adding value to this relationship, others will be more inclined to pay attention to what you have to say.

7). Make All About You

How would you like to get along with people who only talk about themselves? It's getting old quickly, right? Well, that's the mistake many companies make on social media.

It's all about them, Their News, Their Genesis, Their Products, Their Projects, and so on, Here's the truth: no one cares.

To succeed in social media, you must not only speak the language of the audience, but you must tell them what they want to hear.

The content you post is of high quality, appropriate to your interests and in accordance with the norms of your social network and followers. Make it about them. Make it for them.

8). Overly Relying on Automation

One of the company's most frequent errors is relying too much on the automatic authorship, to their social media accounts. That's not social media. People use social media because they want to interact with others.

If people can find out that your post is automatic, or if they feel the exchange is impersonal, they will distance themselves from your brand.

In extreme cases, if you send spam with too much irrelevant auto content, you will lose them.

The presence of your social media must have a personal touch. Be careful not to alienate your audience by posting content automatically and instead think of ways to please, entertain and inspire by posting personalized and original content.

9). Having Too Many Accounts to Manage

Many businesses make the mistake of jumping into every social network, creating accounts and trying to manage them only to realize that they are stretching their thin marketing resources and producing little results in the process.

In my experience, one particular marketing professional can effectively manage no more than 2-4 social media accounts.

If your organization's social media strategy is in the hands of one team member, you should focus your resources and energy on the "Big Three": Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

You should then prioritize your efforts on social networking that maximize your business results.

10). Do not Have Social Media Policy

Not having a corporate social media policy is clearly dangerous and often leads to unexpected public luck.

Regardless of who manages your social media account, you must implement policies that explain what is not acceptable.

For most companies, content that is sexist, racist, religious, offensive, obscene, sexually suggestive, offensive or discriminatory in any way is prohibited.

Make sure all your employees know the policy and adhere to it.

Make sure that the same policy includes creating and managing "Official" corporate accounts. Also, keep access to this account limited and keep a list of all accounts, usernames and passwords.

Make sure the credentials are different for each account, and change the password regularly, especially with employees leaving or changing their roles. Single posts by disgruntled employees can be a nightmare for your organization.
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