History of the Internet: The Development of the Internet from the Beginning Until Now

Generations of today are already very familiar with the internet. A world without boundaries that presents a variety of information needed. Or even as a means of entertainment. But do you know how early the internet came about? How does the history of the internet come to what we know today?

Because the internet in its early era is not what we know today. Not just a site with a variety of content that fills in it. At that time, the embryo of the Internet has emerged as an effort of scientists in communicating. Including sharing information needed.

All through a path that was still a state secret. For more details, please see the following internet history.

Sputnik Triggered

Unlike the general tenology when it was first discovered by a single person or a party, the internet has grown since more than half a century ago when the world experienced the Cold War between the United States in the West and the Soviet Union in the Eastern Hemisphere.

On 4 October 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world's first satellite into orbit. This satellite named Sputnik became the first man-made object capable of circling the world.

The presence of these Sputnik contacts alarmed scientists in the United States. Those who were previously more focused on making vehicles and television immediately changed the course. Scientists in the Land of Uncle Sam realize if Sputnik could be a threat to their country.

American society is more serious about science and technology. From the start of school level with deepening in chemistry, physics, and of course mathematics.

The American government also dared to spend big funds for the development of research in the field of technology. Among these are two specialized research bodies called National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) under the US Department of Defense.

These two institutions specifically build aerospace technology such as rockets, weapons, and computers.

Birth of Arpanet

The presence of Sputnik gives anxiety to US officials. If the Soviet Union sends missiles, then the lines of communication that then rely heavily on the phone can be destroyed.

This anxiety is responded by scientists working at ARPA by giving birth to an intercomputer network system in 1961. So that even if the Soviet Union succeeded in destroying the telephone system, there are still other lines of communication that can be used.

Working closely with Leonard Kleinrock, Licklider built a backbone of a network connecting one computer to another. The foundations that Licklider built and then continue to be developed by other scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

As followed by the appearance of how to send information from computer to another computer called "packet switching". This system converts ordinary data into a "block" before it is sent to the destination computer.

The development of technology in America was designed seriously by ARPA. On October 29, 1969 finally for the first time in the world of messaging from one computer to another computer can be realized.

Message delivery through this network system occurs between computers located at UCLA's Network Measurement Center with another computer at Stanford Research Institute (SRI).

Do not imagine the size of the computer being used as it is known today. Because then the computer used is the size of a small house, approximately 36 types of homes in Indonesia.

At that time the message sent was "LOGIN". Unfortunately, messages sent from computers in UCLA are not up to full. The computer at Stanford received only the first 2 letters, "LO". However, this has become an important milestone in internet history.

The emergence of Internet Protocol Systems

Until the late 1960s, only 4 computers were connected to the ARPAnet network system. However, entering the 1970s, the number of computers connected more and more.

In 1971, University of Hawaii who developed ALOHAnet began to connect, followed by various Universities in London and Royal Radar Establisment in Norway four years later.

Unfortunately, the number of computers connected more and more is not able to overcome the existing packet switching technology at the time. This is what then trigger the emergence of new solutions in the Internet network system.

Vinton Cerf, a computer scientist, who created a solution for computers in the world to connect well, to each other.

The network system is called Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The system was then developed into what we know today with Internet Protocol (TCP / IP).

The history of the internet has tread to the ladder which is already higher. Thanks to the emergence of this protocol system, computers around the world can connect more easily.

The emergence of this TCP memrist born the Domain System Name (DNS). Domains that we know today such as .org, .net, .gov, .edu, and .com have started to be widely used. The discovery of DNS is easier to naming than ever before using a combination of numbers.

A site belonging to the Symbolic computer company became the first officially registered site in the world is Symbolic.com. While World.std.com became the first commercial site to become a provider of Internet access in dial up.

The World Wide Web

Entering the era of the 1990s, internet technology is increasingly booming. Beginning with the discovery of a programmer in Switzerland named Tim Berners-Lee who created the World Wide Web in 1991.

Prior to its emergence, internet history noted that data transmission could only occur from one computer to another.

The World Wide Web (WWW) allows everyone to access the information more easily. Berners-Lee became an important figure who has made the internet as we know it today.

The emergence of "www" makes the development of the internet like no longer unbearable. Many programs in the world then research and develop what we know today with the browser.

Thanks to technology developed by Berners-Lee, in 1993 alone there are more than 600 sites. Even the White House and the United Nations have begun to explore the online world.

In less than 10 years, the number of connected computers from the previous 2,000 shot to 2 million units in 1993.

Start emerging various icons of the internet world today. Like Netscape, Microsoft, Yahoo !, up to the internet giant Google.

Google's presence, which became known as the search engine of the majority of internet users in 1998, has changed the interface of cyberspace connection system.

In this year also the Internet Protocol experienced significant development with the birth of version 6 with 128-bit capability that can record up to 340 million trillion addresses on the internet.

Not only sites, social media are still derived from the internet also appears to change the world order. Facebook is an important milestone in the world of social media when it was born in 2004. The rise of Facebook followed YouTube in 2005, Twitter in 2006 also Pinterest and Instagram in 2010.

The long journey of Internet history was originated from US anxiety over the Soviet invasion.

Starting from a hostility, now the internet is able to unite hundreds of millions of people in the world. Connect easily with the internet.

However, the internet still has a negative side to watch out for. Quite a lot of crime cases are now starting to take advantage of internet and social media. So, stay alert when you're in cyberspace.
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