Search Engine History: From 1990 To Now

Search Engine History - Definitely very familiar with the term is not it ? Referrals seekers of information today is always lead to the Google search engine. In fact, the search engine on the internet is actually not just Google.

There are many search engines available in cyberspace. If you open this post using the Mozilla browser, it will definitely see non-Google search engine options.

There are Yahoo and Bing are quite popular in the American region but less known in Indonesia. Even before Google was born, there are many search engines that are often used by surfers in cyberspace.

Search engines are emerging as the Internet era began to develop in the 1990s. This new line of communication opens up new avenues for getting the information it needs.

Well, what kind of search engine history or search engine this? Here's the review.

System Foundation

Search engine history has not lasted long. Only about three decades back. Understandably, the Internet was born in the late 1980s or early 1990s.


The first search engine that appeared then was Archie. There is also a call with the Archive. The form is an FTP-shaped site that provides a list of sites that can be downloaded by those in need.

Due to the very limited capacity, Achie only provides the name of the site only in the list they create. But for the content of the site there is no information.

In this era, the standard of a search engine has started to build. It is Martijn Kojer who makes some sort of standardization of a search engine. The system named Robots is able to know whether to index or not to the contents of a site.

However, Webmasters can withhold robots from indexing their sites. Or it could just index a few pages of sites only.


Martijn Kojer then created Aliweb in October 1993. This search engine gives users the opportunity to upload pages of sites that want indexed in cyberspace.

Complete with a description of the page contained in the meta info created.


One year later, Altavista emerged as one of the internet giants then. Provides unlimited bandwidth so surfers can search for information more conveniently. The technique and its search algorithm system is already more advanced.

In its development, the system developed by Altavista many do not fit with society requirement. Altavista was even more abandoned. Until finally Overture took ownership of Altavista in 2003.


Overture paid 80 million US dollars in stock and 60 million US dollars in cash. Still in the same year, Overture then taken over Yahoo, as well as end the trip Altavista in cyberspace.

Before acquiring Overture, Yahoo has long dominated the virtual world. Yahoo has been active in the world of search engines since April 1994.

Formed by David Filo and Jerry Yang, at first Yahoo search engine only provided data from various sites that are already widely known to people.

The owners or managers of the site can add information owned for free. However, for a complete feature there is a fee to be paid.

Unfortunately, Yahoo is less actively developing the system in their search engine to less able to satisfy the surfers of cyberspace.


The deficiencies that Yahoo has utilized by Lycos to become one of the favorite search engines in this early era.

Lycos first appeared in July 1994 by presenting a catalog of 54,000 documents. This figure is very small for now, but at that time has included a large.

By continuing to develop the system, Lycos can index 394,000 documents within a month. This number increased to 1.5 million documents in January 1995.

In November 1996, Lycos was even able to identify over 60 million documents. The greatest ability of all the search engines available at the time.

Birth of Google

However, the rapid development that Lycos possessed finally had to be restrained by an internet giant named Google.Starting from BackRub

It is Larry Page and Sergey Brin who started search engine foundation using BackRub system. This system relies on backlinks as a rating tool.

Google also makes the ranking of each page of the site based on the mention of the site on other websites.

The ranking a site gets will depend on how many people are connected to the site.

The more people connected to the site, the higher the ranking will be. In this case, the credibility of the site also supports the rankings obtained.

History of the search engine Google's own new record officially launched in 1998. After all the designed system is considered to be eligible to perform. Although at that time people are not too concerned with PageRank.

Google's ability to design sophisticated search engines makes others interested in working together. In 1999, AOL became Google's first partner.


At the end of this decade actually had appeared MSN that try to compete with Google. They rely on systems developed Overture, Looksmart, and Inktomi.

But its development can not afford sepesat Google. Until Netscape finally bought MSN in early 1998. In November 1998, it was AOL's turn to acquire Netscape for 4.5 billion US dollars.

Second Milennial

Entering the new millenial, companies that want to be involved in developing technologies and systems in search engines are increasingly reduced.

This condition makes Google more menggurita. Thanks to the system being developed, Google appears to be the most powerful search engine and well liked by many.

The power of Google even makes Yahoo take an important decision. They make Google a partner in search engines.

This is one of the most important notes in the history of search engines. Yahoo that had been so powerful, finally had to recognize the superiority of algorithm techniques developed and kept updated by Google.

One of the advantages Google does not have competitors is when starting Adsense launched in about 2003. This became a source of massive revenue for Google. As well as needed by the site managers in cyberspace.


Around the middle of 2009, Microsoft released a search engine named Bing.

This is actually just an improvement over the old system they have. Then rebranding to more public interest.

In the United States, Bing is the preferred search engine because there are a number of features that are suitable for the community there. But outside of America, Bing is less popular and still losing the echo of Google.

Social Search Engine

Indonesian people actually have the ability to develop a search engine that fits with the conditions in the country. One of them is This search engine is made by a student of University of Indonesia named Azka A.Silmi.

Created in 2016, Geevv is not a regular search engine. Because it has a purpose to raise funds that will be used for social activities. From every word typed in Geevv automatically converted to 10 rupiah.

In the beginning, the social funds came from investments. After more Geevv is used, then the donation will be taken from advertising revenue that amounted to 80 percent.

Social programs assisted by Geevv include health, occupation, and poverty alleviation.

To run this project, Azma does not work alone. He is assisted by:

  •     Andika Deni Prasetya
  •     Hana B. Adiningsih (blog writer)
  •     Janu Prasetya (social media & content manager)
  •     Ichlas (admin)
  •     Silih Mulyadi (social project management).

Although true Geevv is not 100 percent purely search engine made by the nation, but the mission should be supported. If this startup can develop, more funds will be raised to be given to those in need.

The system developed by Google is relatively different from its predecessors. This is what makes Google skyrocketed as a favorite search engine since it was created in January 1996.

Perhaps for some readers, the names of search engines in this paper are very strange. Especially most of them are now just a name.

After all, they have become part and recorded in the history of search engines.

Being proof that in addition to Google, there are many search engines that had been scattered in cyberspace. Although now they are just a name.
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