12 Interesting Facts About YouTube You Should Know

Interesting Facts About YouTube - Who today does not know YouTube? For those who every day can not get away from gadgets or smartphones, must be familiar with social media sharing the most popular video in the world. Various information, from real to hoaks, is available on YouTube.

YouTube is arguably the ultimate reference for entertainment and tutorials. Related tutorials, the explanations are arranged in the form of video more easily understood than just plain writing. That's why YouTube is loved by people.

Although it may often use it, maybe you do not know in depth about this YouTube problem. Though there are many interesting facts about YouTube that you should know. In fact, most of these facts have not been widely known.

1). Established by Three Former PayPal Employees

Did you know if YouTube was founded by an ex-employee of the electronic finance platform, PayPal? In 2004, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim decided to get out of PayPal to make a new breakthrough.

They created a dating site called "Tune in, HookUp" that can get someone to show their homemade videos and share with others. Then others can decide whether to stay in contact with the video uploader.

Unfortunately their concept is less interesting people at that time. But then, all three of them make a revamp of the initial concept.

Until February 14, 2005 "Tune In Hook Up" officially changed to "YouTube" and was born internet world phenomenon.

2). First Video Uploaded

An important moment for YouTube occurred on April 23, 2005. For the first time in history, the first video was uploaded and publicly viewable via YouTube.

This 19-second video titled "Me at The Zoo" tells the story of Jawed Karim, the inventor of YouTube, who stood in front of the Elephant cage in a zoo.

For the record, this video is still sought by many people on YouTube to date. It has reached more than 40 million viewers and 1 million likes.

Five months later, in September 2005, Nike's corporate promotional video showing Brazilian soccer star Ronaldinho juggled the ball, becoming the first YouTube video seen millions of times.

Since then, You Tube has grown and started making money.

3). Purchased Google Worth 1.65 Billion US Dollars

YouTube's popularity makes many investors glance. YouTube is rated as a new platform capable of earning money.

One who is interested is the internet giant, Google. On October 9, 2006, Google bought YouTube for 1.6 billion US dollars. Google considers this purchase a "step toward the evolution of the internet".

This interesting fact about YouTube shows that this video sharing media is highly valuable. In 2007, You Tube created the YouTube Partner program. This program offers the company's provider to work together and benefit from YouTube's popularity.

4). Google Add Ads

In the same year, Google decided to add ads within YouTube content. While many are troubled by this change, Google's decision to share profits through advertising with providers opens up new insights into the quality and originality of the content.

This is part of an effort to keep YouTube viewers. In fact, in the coming years YouTube's audience is increasingly becoming a trend to date.

5). Gangnam Style Breaks 2 Billion View Records

YouTube should be thankful to Psy. Thanks to this South Korean artist, the YouTube name is becoming more global. Gangnam Style clip video uploaded about six years ago not only make the name Psy worldwide, but also carve a golden record on YouTube.

Psy drew the attention of the world with dancing styles such as horseback riding with tuxedo suits and sunglasses. With the lyric "hey, sexy lady!" In the video, Psy posted a 2 billion view record in less than two years from upload.

Thanks to Gangnam Style video, YouTube can also celebrate their first billion view in history.

6). Over 1.5 Billion Active Users Every Month

One interesting fact about YouTube that can not be ignored is the number of active users (logged in YouTube) as of June 2017. In the data YouTube mentioned has 1.5 billion active users each month.

So it can be said that YouTube has the most fans in the video category on the internet.

Of all the social media available today, YouTube occupies the second position. It's under Facebook that has 2 billion active users per month. But it is still above Instagram with 700 million active users per month.

Of the 1.5 billion total, male fans are male dominated by 62% with age range 25-44. While women who love YouTube the percentage is only 38%.

7). Over 500 Hours of Video Uploaded Every Minute

With the number of active users 1.5 billion per month, no wonder if in a matter of one minute there are 500 hours of video uploaded. Generally the shortest video is only a movie trailer with a duration of 1 minute 47 seconds and the longest video in the form of full movie duration 1 hour 33 minutes 33 seconds.

The rest is divided into categories of video duration under 10 minutes, ie videos about:

  • Science and technology (3 minutes 24 seconds)
  • Pets and wild animals (4 minutes 47 seconds)
  • Comedy (5 minutes 18 seconds)
  • Vehicles and automotive (6 minutes 32 seconds)
  • Music (6 minutes 38 seconds)
  • Sport (7 minutes 10 seconds)
  • Lifestyle and tips (7 minutes 22 seconds).

8). 1 Billion YouTube Watches Watched Every Day

Active YouTube users are still losing when compared to Facebook. But YouTube is most watched with total duration reaching 1 billion hours per day. While Facebook users only spend about 35 minutes per day.

When Instagram users spend their time viewing uploaded photos for just 15 minutes per day, YouTube users can spend 40 minutes each day just watching videos or listening to their favorite music.

The most uploaded content to YouTube is about People and Blogs that charge about 40%. Uniquely, the music videos are believed to be the most sought after content and raising the name of YouTube, it only fills 5% of the overall content uploaded.

9). Most Wanted Music Videos

No doubt music videos are an interesting fact about YouTube. In 2017, music content is most sought after by YouTube users, with an achievement of 789 million search volumes.

After music, the next content searched for is a song with 453 million search volumes.

The next position in a row is the content of the game that is booming Mine Craft (83.4 million), Movies (34 million), Funny Scary Prank (23 million), children's videos (22.2 million), and little interest is Funny Prank Video (11.7 million).

10. 5 Celebrities with the Most Subscriber

No doubt also if many celebrities are able to skyrocket YouTube thanks. Popular celebrities on YouTube also indirectly contribute the number of YouTube viewers. Where the top 5 most popular ratings are all achieved by the singers.

Data until March 21, 2018, the first position of celebrity is occupied by famous pop singer Justin Bieber with a subscriber number 34,524,962. All the news about this singer being the most sought-after by his fans on You Tube.

The second celebrity is Katy Perry with 26,817,604 subscriber. Followed by Taylor Swift 28,123,669 subscriber, Rihanna 26,722,684 subscriber, and Shakira with 19,636,100 subscriber.

11). Gangnam Style Record Collapsed

After 5 years entrenched as the most viewed video on YouTube with a record 2.8 million view, Gangnam Style clip video finally collapsed and shifted to third position with a viewer increase to 2.9 billion.

The top position was replaced by Despacito video clip of Louis Fonsi which has been more than 3.5 billion times watched on YouTube.

While the second position is occupied by the video clip song See You Again which was released in April 2015 by singer Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth with viewers reached 3 billion.

12). Daniel Middleton, YouTuber Most Tailed 2017

Not only gives benefits to the company (Google), YouTube is also now a money field for those who are creative. Yes, being a YouTuber has now become a profession that is able to provide life that was never imagined before.

If you do not believe, can see the results that can be achieved Daniel Middleton. Men from the United States became the most famous YouTuber in 2017. Want to know his income? Reached 16.5 million US dollars.

By reviewing Minecraft games and a number of other games, Daniel is able to collect 17 million subscribers with the age range of 5-10 years. Age who was in love gaming some of their daily routines.

These are some interesting facts about YouTube that may not be known, including by you. YouTube is a source of entertainment, it also now can appear as a source of income. Even the income figures make people tempted.
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